Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The snow hurts my eyes...

Morgan, Jen and Brian were in town for "Christmas" last weekend (pics here). We had a good time...Saturday we had breakfast with Santa and made/ate a gingerbread house, Sunday we went to Zoo lights and opened presents and of course we went to Chuck E. Cheese's on Monday night (where Mimi, Mommy and Daddy got our ski ball on to earn more than 500 tickets for Morgan to shop high score was 340,000 but I think Brian bested that at one point). Morgan got sick (like she ALWAYS does when she comes to visit) on Tuesday so we laid low after a delicious lunch of Taco Johns delivered by yours truly.

On Saturday Morgan went to play in the snow, got snow in her eyes, and then was pretty much done with it. "Snow hurts my eyes, Mimi." So Mimi got her some fabulous new sunglasses (which you will see her sport in her pictures..even at night at the zoo) to protect her eyes. They work great. All of this on a weekend when Denver got about a foot of snow over a few days...such a southern belle that girl.

Morgan LOVES LOVES LOVES Chuck E. Cheese...but she won't kiss him. Nope. He scares her. She also loves Santa but won't go near him...he scares her.

The Lemmings got me the game Cranium (try watching Bjorn act out being Justin Timberlake...awesome!) and a subscription to Blueprint magazine for Christmas. I have mentioned before I love this magazine. LOVE. IT. Monday Jen calls me and says "I just read on that Blueprint is no longer a magazine." Darn you Martha Stewart. DARN. YOU. You should go directly to jail and not collect $200. It is still going to be a blog though, so that's good (and free).

It was nice having the fam in town and for mom to have company throughout her treatments. She's almost halfway done and doing AWESOME.

I also got new tires, an alignment and an oil change...the Prius is ready to go to Iowa this weekend. Why you ask? Stay tuned for the reason...but here is a hint: On Monday I called the clerk and recorder to verify that I'm an officially registered democrat. I am. This is very important for the February 5 Colorado caucus. But before the Colorado caucus it is VERY important that Barack Obama wins the Iowa caucus on January 3...

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