Sunday, March 9, 2008

Delegation Drama

Hello! First off, how cute is Matthew? And how cute do me and Rob Thomas look together (pic at right)? My parental units are in Atlanta and have thoughtfully neglected to send me new pictures to post of the little bubba...good thing Mimi's getting on a plane on Friday night so I can take matters into my own hands.

Second...Go Pokes! My beloved home state of Wyoming Baracked the caucus yesterday. Many thanks to my friends who got involved in the process. Wyoming hooked me up a lot more than my beloved Texas and I'll remember that always. It was a 61/38 split...that's a 23 point win, folks.

And finally...I spent all day...ALL day...yesterday at the Denver County Democratic Convention. If I had my own version of a personal he**, this very well could be it. Imagine me, 5,000 of my closets friends, in complete disorganized chaos for 9 hours with the only unorganized part being the continuous patting on the back of the elected officials of this state. Fun! Oh, and don't even get me started that Obama's name was spelled wrong on the call for the convention.

The morning was spent casting our ballots...again...for president. In case you haven't gathered, for a country fighting for democracy for the world, we're not so democratic ourselves. You see, delegates elected at the official caucus on Feb. 5 can change their vote and not vote at the will of the people. Hillbilly even launched a Robocall campaign to encourage people to do so (so all of you Hillary people who still manage to think she fights fair...chew on that for a bit.) I think that is what one of my precinct delegates did and I'm going to hunt down that kid and he's going to regret it (don't worry, that's a pretty empty threat...but if I see him at the grocery store prepare for an influx of dirty looks). In the end it appears, at least in my house district, that the spread remained and we sent on 49 Obama delegates and 23 Hillbilly delegates to the Congressional and State conventions. What's the difference between the two conventions? I have no idea.

The big news is that I was one of the 49 Obama delegates in my district elected to once again (yes, for the THIRD and not final time) cast my vote for Obama in CoSprings on May 17. This is where I'll need all of the luck in the world to get elected as a national convention delegate and get to be on the floor of the convention when Obama is officially the presidential nominee. One step closer and that is pretty cool. My friend Lisa and I are going to launch a viral campaign to get the word out about how cool we are and why we should get prepare yourselves for that.

I'm off to see Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood in concert...three concerts in 6 days...I hope I'll be able to hear tomorrow!

1 comment:

Lemmer said...

You are missing some great moments - Matthew sleeping, sleeping, oh and a new favorite...sleeping. I'm sure he is just saving his energy for your arrival on Friday.

Oh, by the way - we don't live in a democratic country. We live in a representative republic. The governing rules of political parties are stupid and are designed to only give power to those that can afford it (e.g., Democrat super-delegates can be bought).
