Sunday, April 27, 2008

Say Cheese!

I was gifted (thanks parentals!) with an early birthday present this weekend...a new digital camera! As my mom was quick to remind me about 20 times, there was a time in which I couldn't keep a camera to save my life, but I've had my previous camera for 3 years! It was time, however, to get one that didn't take so long to take a picture and "recover" between shots.

I tested it out in a few places:
My parents finished a room their basement and got all of the pieces in place this dad is totally geeked out by the whole thing and my mom is proud of her decorative touches (below)

Springtime in the snowed earlier in the day.

And of course, say hello to my little friends. I love that Ungarski was staring me down.

I also started in a doubles tennis league. I'm still working on getting back my A game, but I'm having fun. I've also never really played that's interesting...its funny how quickly all of my habits--both good and bad--are coming back to me. Here are some pics of Sam and Laurie...our champion doubles team.

Testing out my "quick three" feature during Sam's serve:

Hey Laurie!

I have to say, so far I like what I see with the new camera!

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